Call of the Running Tide
Call of the Running Tide
The Call of the Running Tide has greatly influenced Louis Johnson, his family and friends and is the common thread throughout this life story spanning almost 90 years from boyhood on East Yell croft to the present day. Now, back in the house where he was born, Louis is enjoying a happy retirement. He recalls school days in Yell and Lerwick, student life in Aberdeen and his experiences as a teacher. With vivid descriptions and humorous anecdotes, he tells of people and places that have shaped his life. The book concludes with a selection of Louis’ own poems and prose, many relating to people and events in the memoirs.
Author: Louis Johnson
Publication date: 2022
Publisher: The Shetland Times Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-910997-51-2
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 159